Monday, April 4, 2011

Thevenin and Norton Equivalents in PSpice

We modeled circuits in PSpice and used DC sweeps to o determine their Thevenin and Norton equivalents.

In order to do this in the first circuit, we placed a current source I2 across the terminals that we were interested in and then used a DC Sweep to change it's value from 0A to 1.0A. After running the simulation, a trace of "V(I2:-)" was added to plot the voltage across the current source I2.
 The y-intercept gave the Vth and the slope of the line gave the Rth because V=I*Rth.
Thus, the Vth = 20V and Rth = 6 Ohms.

Then we worked out the Norton equivalent. We did this by replacing the current source I2 with a Voltage source that was varied from 0 volts to 1.0V by increments of 0.1V.
Here the y-intercept gave us the IN = 3.335 A and the slope gave GN = 0.17 S.
In the last problem, I found the load that maximizes the power dissipation.
I put a resistor across the terminals that had values of { RL } and I set RL's value with a Global Parameter. This global parameter was swept from 100Ohms to 5kOhms with 100Ohm increments. I ran the simulation and got the following graphs. The top one was arrived at through a linear sweep, and the bottom through a octave sweep. The peaks show at 250microW with RL = 1kOhm, as expected.

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